Zoe Saldana Responds to the Buzz of Her Husband Taking Her Last Name – ‘Why is it so surprising…Let’s redefine masculinity’
Hollywood actress Zoe Saldana has taken to her Facebook account to address her husband Marco taking her last name, a story which broke a few days ago when she covered InStyle magazine’s July 2015 issue.
She wrote:
Fathers, sons, brothers, men everywhere: Your legacy will not perish if you take your partner’s surname, or she keeps hers. I’ve been made aware that a comment I made regarding my marriage has garnered some attention. I felt proud that my husband decided to take my last name as his own… and I his. I shared my hesitation with him when he told me about his decision, not only did he say, “I don’t give a shhheeeetttt!!” (with a very strong Italian accent!!) he also asked me, “Why not? What are you so afraid of?” And it made me wonder… What am I so afraid of?
Why is it so surprising, shocking- eventful that a man would take his wife’s surname? Women have never been asked if its ok for them to give up their names — why doesn’t that make the news?
Men, you will not cease to exist by taking your partner’s surname. On the contrary — you’ll be remembered as a man who stood by change. I know our sons will respect and admire their father more because their father lead by example.
Gentlemen, I implore you to think outside the box- remove the box altogether. Let’s redefine masculinity. A real “man” leads along side his partner. A real man accepts his mortality. A real man acknowledges that nothing can be done alone.
I hope that the “buzz” behind this topic isn’t just for gossip — but an inspiration for us all to look within and see what is truly important.
Let’s start by letting go of some of the limitations we have inherited from the past, and forge a new path moving forward.
With Love,
Zoe and Marco
Sorry for any mistypes LOL
Photo Credit: Getty Images/Jeff Vespa/VF15/WireImage