BN Community Centre: Positive Update on Akuwa (Young Lady with Liver Failure)
Hello BellaNaijarians,
Here is an update on Akuwa, the young lady with liver failure and hernia. A BellaNaijarian – Idiare who is her friend had reached out, we featured her appeal on BN Community Centre and now we have a positive update.
Please continue to pray for her as she is in India for her surgery and treatment.
This mail is to say a big thank you to you for helping to bring awareness to the plight of Akuwa Adejo, our friend and sister who needed a liver transplant. Thanks to you and so many of your generous readers we have been able to raise a cumulative of $30,000 from both the GoFundMe link and payments made to Akuwa’s GTB bank account.
Negotiations with the hospital in India have led to a reduction in the bills to $40,000 (from $50,000). Akuwa has since departed to India as we are set to pay the $30,000 raised so her treatments and surgery can commence. We will be counting on the continued giving of so many good friends near and far to raise the balance of $10,000 before her treatments end early March.
See attached a picture of Akuwa on the flight to India on 20th January for her treatment
Thanks you for standing with us, we pray you continue to help us create awareness to raise funds. We have faith she will return whole and well
People can still pay in through the GofundMe link and Akuwa’s bank account (Account name: Akuwa Joy Adejo Bank: GT Bank Account number: 0128095253)