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Star Actress Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama talks Being Fit & Healthy, Dealing with Insecurities, Balancing a Workout Routine with Parenting & More in Interview

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AMVCA 2017’s Trailblazer award recipient Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama is Genevieve Magazine‘s Fitness Inspiration for their latest issue, as part of their “Bodyfidence” series.

The Nollywood actress opens up to the magazine on how to begin your fitness journey, dealing with insecurities and how she balances being a mum, wife, and actress with her workout routines.

Read excerpts from the Interview below


On what inspired her to focus on becoming healthier and fitter: I was a ver active child growing up so I got used to the adrenaline and sore muscles. I was a soccer fan and player to my core, so were my father and brother so I had their support as a child. I went fully back on board when I went through a break-up and wanted to occupy my time with school and everything else I enjoyed so I wouldn’t have time to relapse.

On how she finds time to incorporate a full body workout into her busy schedule: A routine! I work best with a routine. I am an early person so I get my workouts done in the mornings before dawn. When I have some time to spare, I do longer focused sessions but other times, 15-minute bursts of intensity can do justice. There are so many options out there that are safe and time conscious.

Also, the physical demand of a job like mine is a workout in itself so I try to listen to my body. Stress and dehydration are things I deal with a lot of the time and I find it helps to carry a bottle of water with me wherever I go. I try, to be honest with myself and do what I can to see the results I want.

On how her routine changed after she gave birth: I have an interval timer app with different settings depending on how much time I have to spare. My go-to routine is five intense exercises for 30 seconds each, with a 10-seconds rest, repeated five times. The first set of five would be cardio-inclined with the subsequent exercises being body weight core building and strengthening styles. I do yoga twice a week. On a weekday it is about 30-40 minutes long, while on Sunday it is an hour. This was my routine before birth and still is.

On how women can be Inspired, reminded and encouraged to love themselves and their bodies: What would you like to hear about yourself from others? Tell that to yourself and keep moving. Your will eventually become your words. Affirmations are powerful.

On workout tips for new mums: Pace yourself. Always put your child’s health first. The quality of what you eat is important. Tailor your diet to suit you and your baby if you are breastfeeding. Get cleared by a doctor to commence working out. Start with cardio to lose excess water weight, build upon your strength and core as you go. Any pain, please stop and seek medical advice. Love your new body along the way.

For more from her interview pick up a copy of Genevieve Magazine’s March 2017 Issue.
