We have all heard the heroic story of a blind person who sang his way to millions and the Grammys. Or the college dropout who pursued...
Pain is inevitable in life. Everybody is dealing with different kinds of pain; from losses in business to losing someone we love, even being heartbroken or...
Some entrepreneurs, creators, and product leaders are convinced they have developed a product that meets customer needs, believing they have achieved product-market fit. However, they often...
Many entrepreneurs and business leaders believe that offering cheap or low-priced products is the key to increasing sales and business growth. However, this misconception has led...
There’s so much that can be achieved in 24 hours, even though it often feels like 24 hours isn’t enough to accomplish to achieve our goals...
There are numerous reasons why people choose to buy from you, but I will focus on two important ones. Sometimes you see someone driving a long...
Have you ever wished for more time? Has the day ever ended, leaving you wondering how quickly it passed? Worse still, have you ever felt so...
The significance of consistent marketing is often not fully understood by many businesses. Some businesses only put effort into marketing when they require new customers or...
Sometimes, we set ourselves challenging goals, such as learning a new language or acquiring a new skill. On other occasions, we are presented with a difficult...
In most of my over 16 years of entrepreneurship and active participation in sales, I’ve focused on product improvement and branding as the best way to...
Entrepreneurs and salespeople often come across clients who are easy to convince, while some are difficult. It’s tempting to focus only on the easy ones and...
It’s crucial to note that despite the valuable lessons and personal growth that come from tough times, nobody wants to go through them. However, difficult situations...
In today’s highly competitive business environment, retaining customers who are constantly lured by lower prices, innovations, and additional offers from competitors can seem like a daunting...
Entrepreneurs dream of having customers queuing up in long lines, strongly desiring to buy their product or service. This is the moment that truly compensates for...
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to spread, many people wonder if it will make their jobs or businesses irrelevant. The truth is that many jobs and...
As experts and professionals, we teach about the art of planning and taking calculated risks. We talk about how unwise it is to take steps without...
As the world faces a challenging period, it is crucial to understand that tough times require innovation, creativity, and the courage to make tough decisions. However,...
Often, in our journey towards our goals and success, we face moments that challenge our beliefs. Sometimes these moments are fleeting, other times, they evolve into...
The role that small businesses play in the world is profoundly underestimated. Small businesses are responsible for more jobs than most data capture. In fact, many...
Business is best enjoyed when you’re untouchable by competition, but a lack of competition is not possible – even the most loved companies will at some...
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