Laju Iren is bringing something special to screens this Christmas with her new film, “Danfo and the Rose.” Set against the backdrop of Lagos, the film...
Hey, BellaNaijarians! #BellaStylista is a BellaNaija Style series for fashionistas who slay looks every day! For work or play, this list is to inspire you as we celebrate those who...
Earlier this week, celebrities and influencers gathered at Kensington Palace in London for the third annual GRM Gala to celebrate black British excellence in music, sports and entertainment....
Earlier this week, GRM Gala, which celebrates Black excellence within the UK’s entertainment industry, held its third edition. As always, we were treated to a night of...
“Man’s Not Hot” singer Big Shaq is out with a new music video titled “Buss It Down”. This video was directed by Big Shaq and Luke Biggins, and...
To celebrate the 61st Ghanaian Independence Day, Michael Dapaah has dropped a remix of “Boa Me” as performed by Dr. Ofori. The video was directed and...
You might know him as Big Shaq of the “Man’s Not Hot” fame. British-Ghanaian comedian Michael Dapaah has had a great year after his “Man’s Not...
One of the most anticipated music shows of 2017 – Rhythm Unplugged held Friday night with lots of musical performances from your favorite stars. The pick...
British/Ghanaian comedian turned rapper Michael Dapaah popularly known as Big Shaq met with singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran recently and they made a hilarious video together. In the...
“The thing go skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra…” Rave of the moment Michael Dapaah otherwise known as Big Shaq has dropped the music video for his trending single “Mans Not...
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