It has been days since family comedy drama, “Omo Ghetto” (The Saga), became one of the highest nominated movies at the 2021 Africa Movie Academy Awards...
Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ 2020 comedic film “Omo Ghetto: The Saga” is headed to Netflix after smashing a four-year Nollywood record in January, barely a...
Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ directional debut film “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” has been named Nollywood’s highest-grossing movie of all time, breaking a four-year record held...
If you’ve seen Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ first directorial collaboration “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)“, you’ll definitely love to know how their unique looks were achieved....
Hey BellaNaijarians! The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is back for a 2019 run after we kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred movies so far!) In...
Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ first directorial collaboration, “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” follows the life of Lefty (Funke Akindele-Bello) and her friends, Chummy Choko (Chioma Akpotha), Busty (Eniola...
SOP Records has premiered the official video of the “Askamaya Anthem” performed by the leading women of “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” movie; Funke Akindele Bello, Chioma...
The official trailer for Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ first directorial collaboration, “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” is finally here and it’s getting us even more excited....
Prepare yourselves! The first teaser for Funke Akindele-Bello‘s “Omo Ghetto (The Saga)” has arrived and it’s just as awesome as we imagined. The upcoming film same...
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