Man is free but everywhere in chains. This allusion to J.J. Rousseau‘s famous quote perfectly encapsulates my latest musing. The most ubiquitous of prisons is the...
There is something in all of us that wants to surpass what we did previously. It is an inbuilt desire to reach for more, achieve more,...
Everyone expected much more from the year 2020. Recently, I came across a video showing a montage of different pastors at the end of 2019 prophesying...
“I hate cooking.” I say these words very often to anyone who cares to listen (or not) and I write them on social media as well....
No one could have thought that there would ever come a time when putting on a mask before entering a bank to make transactions would be...
It’s been a rough year. No one could have predicted how crazy things would get. It feels like everything’s turning on its head. Cities are burning,...
It used to be easy to point out people leading fake lives. But nowadays, with the advent of social media and the widespread acceptance of ‘fake...
The SAT is one of the exams I took and then did nothing with. Preparing for it, though, was instructive. While I didn’t enjoy the Math...
There’s been no escaping the far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’ve not been infected with the virus, you’ve been affected by it. We all...
Clearly defining where you want to go helps you merge your energy and resources in the right direction. ** Set aside some time each day to...
Excellence is not just producing great results but to repeatedly produce those results over and over again. So, if excellence is being outstanding, you must make...
Always remember that we all are created to aid each other's journey on earth. No one knows it all, we grow by learning from each other. ...
You’ll no longer think in a fixed way but be ready to grow out of your role and broaden your horizon. It means you’ll see the...
Getting money is one end that so easily justifies any means to it. It is often the unspoken motivator behind pragmatism. We, therefore, have to be...
Instead of subjects, the focus could be on puzzles and/or problems with quantitative and verbal elements - according to age groups. They may not learn anything...
Influence is, however, not enough sometimes, especially when a total change in behaviour is required. You are only able to influence people to do what they...
For now, let’s continue with the recommended Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) like hand-washing, physical distancing, wearing of face masks while the government is using this lockdown to...
Start affirming yourself positively; being kinder to your flaws, mistakes and heartbreaks. Start practising self care, whatever that is to you. Declutter; let go of that...
Things returned to normal again and there was healing in the land. Everybody went about their daily lives and soon forgot about the deadly virus that...
The rest of the class was in high spirits as their grades climbed and climbed and climbed. The school authorities loved this too! There were no...
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