MGM studios has released the official trailer for the highly anticipated film “Creed III“, ahead of its premiere in movie theatres from March 3rd, 2023. Synopsis...
Howard University is renaming its College of Fine Arts after alumnus Chadwick Boseman. The University’s President, Wayne A. I. Frederick announced on Wednesday, saying the newly...
Netflix has released the first official trailer for its forthcoming special “Chadwick Boseman: Portrait of an Artist“, which takes an intimate look at Oscar-nominated actor Chadwick...
Tyler Perry is back and ready for the year, and this time he’s got a psychological thriller titled “A Fall From Grace“. The soon to be...
Hit TV Series Empire has been renewed for a fourth time and we cannot wait to see the Lyon family back together for an all new...
A Tribute to African-American Achievements in Television event, hosted by The Paley Center for Media, was held last night Wednesday May 13, 2015 at Cipriani Wall...
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