We tend to downplay our success in the name of modesty but if you do something fabulous, I believe you should own it with your chest...
We must cleanse our society from our various houses and with our individual mindsets. We must fight every gender-based crime with equal vigour and strength. There...
There's only so much a woman can do. We are fighting for equality and there's being a shift in our cultural norms with women contributing extensively...
Patriarchy is the institution within the society that enables a certain gender to feel superior. It covers up their shortcomings and fights aggressively so they retain...
People will proudly make accusatory posts about how female actresses are more successful than their male counterparts and comments like "tell us what you are doing...
A gender that holds so much power should not be left at the mercy of a society that is best described as an enabler. Emotions such...
According to our moral codes, prostitution is a bad thing. You simply can't use your own body for your advantage -it's morally wrong and it's a...
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