Ghanaian-Nigerian music executive and creative entrepreneur, Oscar Heman-Ackah, makes his feature film directorial debut with a political music drama, “Finding Messiah.” “Finding Messiah” revolves around the...
On Wednesday, January 18th 2023, Emeka Nwokocha, Executive producer of Ije Awélé which boasts some of Nollywood’s finest organised a private screening/press conference at The Corniche Hotel...
‘Ije Awele’, is a story that puts the spotlight on some dark sides of our society, bringing forth ‘uncomfortable topics’ that require attention. With a Stellar...
Drama, comedy, and interminable suspense are words used to describe what was an incredible weekend in Abuja, when Nollywood veterans Monalisa Chinda a.k.a ‘Madam Philo’, Francis...
After a successful showing of the sensational stageplay ‘Philomena; Interview With A Prostitute’ in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, veteran writer and Director, Bimbo Manuel links up...
It was a weekend full of joy in PortHarcourt last week, as Nollywood Heavyweights including Monalisa Chinda, Charles Inojie, Francis Duru, Ejike Asiegbu, Kester Oshioraeme and...
It was a weekend full of joy in Port Harcourt last week, as Nollywood heavyweights including Monalisa Chinda Coker, Charles Inojie, Francis Duru, Ejike Asiegbu, Kester...
K’Ike Productions, a theatre-focused production company, is shutting down Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital from February 11 till 14 with a stage play, Philomena, featuring...
As November draws closer, we can’t wait to finally see the highly anticipated “Rattlenake: The Ahanna Story“, a remake of the 1995 classic “Rattlesnake” by Play...
Rattlesnake: The Ahanna Story is hitting cinemas this November, and its all-star cast is one reason we can’t wait to see it. Rattlesnake: The Ahanna Story...
At the media screening of Oasis, 25 year old TV presenter Moet Abebe‘s first movie, she chatted with Ovwe Medeme of The Net Online. They spoke about her career, being...
Need we say more, there’s no party like a Lagos party! On Saturday 8th March 2014, our African superstars were LIVE at the 2014 Africa Magic...
Hey BellaNaija Style Watchers, a good Wednesday afternoon to you. Guess what? It has finally landed – ALL the stars at the 2014 Africa Magic Viewers’...
Yay! It is time for some red carpet fabulousity. On Thursday 5th December 2013, Africa Magic celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Landmark Village, Victoria Island,...
On Sunday 22nd September 2013, the Miss Earth Nigeria 2013 Finale took place at the Oriental Hotel, Lagos. Model/video vixen Marie Miller won the competition. The...
On Friday 26th April 2013, the inaugural edition of the Nigerian Entertainment Conference took place at the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. Celebrities spotted...
Yesterday, BN brought you exclusive photos of Nollywood stars strutting the runway at Florence Ita Giwa‘s Foundation for Children of Bakassi Charity event tagged The Red...
She is one of Nigeria’s most celebrated actresses, a yummy mother of a cute girl and yes, a leading style star – These are just few...
She’s known as an actress but Uche Jombo has many titles to her name – she is a mathematician/statistician, actress, screenwriter and now you can add...
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