Siblings bickering and arguing can be frustrating and mentally exhausting for parents. Although disagreements between siblings may drive parents crazy, it teaches our kids how to deal...
Kids will always be kids: happy this minute, throwing tantrums the next. As parents, the way we handle our kids when they misbehave goes a long...
Due to the pandemic, many schools have turned towards digital learning and other world-class online resources for educating students. This is an applaudable effort that bridges...
Do something for yourself. You can try deep abdominal breathing, yoga, progressive relaxation techniques, meditation, watching comedy skits on social media, and even prayer. Whatever your...
Balancing children and a full-fledged workload is not a walk in the park, especially during this period. It’s okay to occasionally treat yourself now and then...
Parenting can be a very public job and people can be really critical about how you raise your kids, but don't beat yourself up when you...
Indeed, mothers today face a whole lot of challenges but mums, twenty-five years ago, didn’t exactly find motherhood a walk in the park - they also...
When you are not working, limit your online time by not taking your phone/computer/ipad into the bedroom or living room. You can also disable notifications for...
Happy International Women's Day to every woman. Most especially, to all our brilliant contributors, commentators, and all our super-intelligent BN readers.
It’s not only you who needs to know about bullying. This is something you want your child to know about before they ever have to confront...
Often times, children (especially the younger ones) may not have the ability to verbalize their feelings. As a parent, it is your duty to observe them...
I strongly believe that it is possible to, not just avoid failure as a parent, but also raise well-rounded children - even in this day and...
What other fun ways are you spending time with your kids this holiday? Feel free to share with us in the comments section, you might be...
As a mum, your life can be pretty demanding and busy, such that you forget about your goals and you always end up in the same...
I remember my life as a young mum, having to take care of my toddlers and still go to work. On this particular day, I was...
Tantrums usually occur in children, but it's your duty as a parent to teach them how to express and communicate their needs. This is because, if...
Raising children in this digital age is different from our days where we were raised with restrictions. In the digital age, there are no restrictions. Everything...
Everyone is so busy in 2019! We are all so busy, it has taken a huge toll on us – our bodies, mental health and state of...
Mum: Joan, you’re not a small girl again. It’s high time we talked about sex. Joan: Okay, Mum. What do you want to know about sex?...
A great way to boost your child's confidence is to teach them words of affirmation everyday. You can do this by speaking positive words to them daily
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