“37 To Go,” a short movie produced and directed by Lota Chukwu, has just made its debut on YouTube. The short film, which features Lota, Daniel...
In episode two of Accelerate TV rom-com “Just Friends,” Maro finally meets the famed Toju everyone’s been speaking of. Jay and his friends help Maro stand...
The first episode of Accelerate TV rom-com sitcom “Just Friends,” has premiered. Following a long public holiday, Mari decides to spend the weekend with Jay. She...
Accelerate TV has premiered the trailer for its rom-com sitcom titled “Just Friends.” Directed by Victor Sanchez Aghahowa and produced by Nne Nlemadim, the sitcom stars Chy Nwakanma as Mari, Charles Etubiebi as...
Accelerate TV has unveiled the cast line-up and poster of its latest title, a rom-com sitcom titled “Just Friends.” Directed by Victor Sanchez Aghahowa and produced...
After ten weeks of non-stop drama and entertainment from the Big Brother Naija Lockdown housemates, 26-year-old Olamilekan “Laycon” Agbeleshe walked away with the 85 million naira...
Jeme (BellaRose Okojie) drives for a ride-sharing service to make some spare cash as she is currently in between jobs. In this episode, Jeme is in...
These prophets, besides being from white garment churches, have something in common: their dubiousness is made apparent. In Life As It Is, you hear the prophet...
TEDxLagos will happen live in the commercial capital of Nigeria, Lagos State at the MUSON Center, Lagos Island on the 3rd of August 2019 and it...
In this episode of “Man of her Dreams“, Kari faces a major blast from the past – and so does Noah… As the old saying goes...
The fourth episode of the second season of “Man of Her Dreams,” by Victor Sanchez Aghahowa is here! ** Ladi returns to find Kari and Noah getting extra cozy,...
The third episode of the second season of “Man of Her Dreams,” by Victor Sanchez Aghahowa is here! ** Noah and Kari try to have a quiet day in,...
The second episode of the second season of “Man of Her Dreams,” by Victor Sanchez Aghahowa is here! ** Kari’s shot with Noah is interrupted by BOMA the sister...
The first episode of the second season of “Man of Her Dreams,” by Victor Sanchez Aghahowa is here! ** Kari Finally has a direct shot with cute neighbour Noah...
Imagine you’ve been dreaming of this guy (or girl) over and over, the two of you in a relationship, probably what Nigerian parents would call a...
Jeme (BellaRose Okojie) drives for a ride-sharing service to make some spare cash as she is currently in between jobs. In this episode, everything comes to...
Jeme (BellaRose Okojie) drives for a ride-sharing service to make some spare cash as she is currently in between jobs. In this episode, she tries to...
Jeme (BellaRose Okojie) drives for a ride sharing service to make some spare cash as she is currently in between jobs. Well – she has no...
Aunti has finally had enough with all the drama, and Feyikemi and Chuka both have to face their greatest fears/regrets. The 3-episode per season anthology is...
Chuka and his wife have a lot to talk about. So do Feyikemi and her aunt. There are a lot of answers needed, but then yet...
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