Royal Castle, a TV series produced by Diamond Groove Pictures tells the story of the Nigerian class system, following the lives of everyday people, from the...
This episode of #WithChude is a tell-all interview between Chude Jideonwo and Nollywood veteran Pete Edochie. He opened up about his early years as an actor, Yul and...
The longest-running drama series, “Tinsel,” is celebrating hitting the 3500th episode milestone with a documentary titled “Through The Decades: A Tinsel Story.” This documentary follows all the...
It was all glamour, glitz and funfair at the Head of Office of Nigerian Breweries in Iganmu as the trio of Flavour N’abania, Yul Edochie and...
Highlife King, Flavour announced that he will be performing live at the Legendary SOB NYC on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021, Home to acts from Beyonce, Black...
Flavour delivers “Levels,” a new track produced by Masterkraft and mixed and mastered by Mixx Monsta. The official music video features some of your favourite Nollywood actors...
Life Continental Beer, unveiled a captivating TVC campaign in Enugu on September 2nd, 2021 that celebrated the industrious and resilient spirit associated with the Easterners. The...
Hello BellaNaijarians! It’s been a fabulous week and a lot has definitely gone down. In the midst of the everyday hustle and bustle, you may have...
Hello BellaNaijarians! Welcome to February. The #BNMovieFeature is bringing back some good old Nollywood movies that are guaranteed to give you that nostalgic feeling and make you...
Nollywood actor and producer Yul Edochie has released the first episode of his new show n YouTube tagged “Life with Yul Edochie“. On this first episode,...
The official trailer for Judy Austin’s forthcoming film “Fear” is out. The soon-to-be-released film was produced by Judy Austin and directed by Yul Edochie. The movie stars...
When next you are tempted to conclude that rape and sexual assault occurs because women are "indecently dressed", remember that Yul Edochie's 15-year-old daughter was covered...
On Friday, Yul Edochie’s daughter, Danielle, clocked 15 years and her dad took to Twitter to celebrate his beautiful daughter on her special day. He shared...
Growing up with a celebrity as your parent could mean an automatic tutoring on how to act and carry yourself as a famous person, and most...
Nollywood actor and politician, Yul Edochie and his pretty wife, May are celebrating 15 years of marital life. The couple took to social media to share...
Super-talented, singer, songwriter and producer, Mister Versace, is out with a brand new single titled “My Papa” with a clean and crisp story-telling video directed by...
It was Testimony Tuesday for Nollywood actor turned politician Yul Edochie as he survived a ghastly auto crash while travelling. Yul shared on Instagram that he...
Nollywood actor and politician Yul Edochie is chatting with host Ebuka Obi-Uchendu on a new episode of Channels TV’s Rubbin’ Minds. In the interview, he talks...
After announcing his intentions to run for the position of the President of Nigeria in the 2019 Presidential elections, Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has pulled out....
A couple of months ago BellaNaija Movies & TV brought you the scoop on Omoni Oboli‘s new production, a movie titled “Moms at War” (click here...
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