Ignite Fellowship presents ‘Music – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly’ this Saturday | November 5
We all love music. We may have different tastes, but we all hum along when we hear our favourite songs. King David in the bible was a musician. Yes, he was also a soldier and a poet and a shepherd and a King, but he loved music so much, he would sometimes get excited enough to want to take his clothes off! But, ahem, we’re not encouraging that kind of behavior.
The bible is full of music, poems, verses, and God loves it when we sing to Him. We know that because His Word tells us He inhabits the praise of His people, and we’re told to; sing a new song to the Lord.
Okay, but when it comes to music, not all music is equal. Not all music edifies, not all music builds us up, not all music “brings heaven down”, as we like to say. So how do we measure? Are we even supposed to judge? Is all music good just because it comes from a professed Christian? And, what if we think gospel music is just plain boring?!
We’re talking all about music on Saturday the 5th of November. Come with open, curious, questioning and receptive hearts. The Holy Spirit is our guest of honour, and He will lead us into all truth.
Oh, and there’s always food (sometimes, too much food.) We believe in feeding the five thousand with bread as well as the Word of God, so bring your hungry flat mate!
Date: Saturday, 5th of November, 2016
Time: 4PM
Venue: Guiding Light Assembly, Layi Ajayi Bembe Street, Parkview Estate, Ikoyi
Ignite is the youth fellowship of Guiding Light Assembly (GLA). We are young Christians in the real world, following the Way, the Truth and the Life that Jesus patterned for us, in practical ways. We know it’s not always easy to seek first the Kingdom of God in the times we live in, and so we come together to fellowship, to encourage one another, and to strengthen one another on this Christian walk.
If you’re young (or young at heart), then the Ignite fellowship is for you! For more information, visit us on and follow us on our Social Media pages:
Instagram: @ignitegla
Twitter: @ignitegla
Facebook: Ignite Gla
Snapchat: @ignitegla
Periscope: @ignitegla
YouTube: Ignite Gla
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