The fifth episode of the BBNaijaShineYaEye reunion show was spicier than ever. While the drama unfolds with each episode, we cannot overlook the fashion statements made...
Many people were drawn to Saga‘s wonderful and passionate artwork during a team activity. Angel‘s life story, in which her mother gave birth to her at...
We had a quick chat with BBNaija Shine Ya Eye housemate, Beatrice, and she had so much to share with us. She answered 10 quick questions...
We had a brief chat with #BBNaija Shine Ya Eye housemate, Niyi Lawal, and it was so much fun speaking with the aspiring actor (yes, we...
If you’re not familiar with the new Big Brother Naija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ housemate Michael, it’s time to catch up. Ebuka Michael, also known as Michael...
Queen Mercy Atang‘s career as a model, beauty queen, and philanthropist has taken a lifetime to develop. She defines herself as “beautiful, courageous, and fearless,” and...
The first Live Eviction Show for Big Brother Naija season 6 was super thrilling and came with a big surprise – the introduction of four new...
We can’t get enough of Jackie B and her 9-year-old son, Nathan. BBNaija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ housemate and her handsome son are genuinely enjoying their best...
In case you didn’t know, Yerins is not only a medical doctor and a polymath, but also a fantastic poetry rapper who has released a number...
Being a housemate in the Big Brother Naija house has the effect of propelling people to stardom. With millions of people throughout the continent watching reality...
Not only is she an incredible dancer and a member of the renowned GGB dance group, but her humorous videos on TikTok and Instagram back up...
Niyi is one of the new Big Brother Naija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ housemates who were unveiled on Saturday, July 24. During the opening show, he mentioned...
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