A new episode of Basketmouth‘s comedy series “Papa Benji” has premiered and this episode is titled ‘Size 45’. Off his, The Zing Network production company, “Papa...
Episode 9 of Basketmouth‘s comedy series “Papa Benji” has premiered and this episode is titled ‘Foreign Currency’. Off his, The Zing Network production company, “Papa Benji”...
The first episode of Real Warri Pikin‘s YouTube series “School Of Thought” has premiered and you should totally see it. “School Of Thought” follows the tale...
Basketmouth has premiered episode 8 (Q & A) of his comedy web series “Papa Benji” is here. Off his, The Zing Network production company, “Papa Benji”...
Episode 7 of Basketmouth‘s comedy web series “Papa Benji” is here. This episode is tagged “The Meeting”. Off his, The Zing Network production company, “Papa Benji”...
Episode 6 of Basketmouth‘s comedy web series “Papa Benji” is here. This episode is tagged “Drunk in Love” and it features a guest appearance from Seyi...
Social media sensation Real Warri Pikin collaborates with singer Teni to debut a new single “School Of Thoughts“. The song serves as the official soundtrack for...
The highly anticipated movie, “Rattlesnake: The Ahanna Story” has finally premiered on November 11, 2020. The blockbuster from Play Network Studios has been on everyone’s lips for...
Peak Chocolate, the 3-in-1 nourishing cocoa beverage from FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria, the makers of Peak Milk, is set to put smiles on the faces of Nigerian...
Tonto Dikeh has finally launched her exciting culinary and entertainment show on YouTube “Grub & Rub with King Tonto“. The show won’t only be a cooking show, it...
Comedian Real Warri Pikin was on Gatefield TV to break down the infamous Social Media Bill, letting us know exactly what it entails. She shared what...
Comedienne Anita Alaire Afoke Asuoha, popularly known as RealWarriPikin was the latest guest on this amusing new episode of the Ndani TGIF Show. Watch & enjoy.
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