Kunle Afolayan was approached by Netflix in 2015 about acquiring his psychological thriller “October 1“. One of the earliest Netflix-Nollywood partnerships resulted from that talk. More...
Uzodinma Okpechi-directed series, “The Mystic River” which stars Jide Kosoko, Dele Odule, Lota Chukwu, Ben Toutou, Joke Muyiwa, Thelma Nwosu, Jeffery Musa David, is set to...
Big congratulations to filmmaker and director Kunle Afolayan who has just kicked off a new partnership with Netflix to produce and premiere three new diverse films:...
Outstanding actor and producer Kunle Afolayan is getting set for a new project, has he announced the commencement of the preproduction stage of his forthcoming film....
This year’s African Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA) was held on Saturday, March 14. At the event, movie star Toyin Abraham picked up the award for “Best Actress in Drama”...
Every year since 2017, Accelerate TV, through the Accelerate Filmmaker Project, trains, empowers and gives young filmmakers a platform to actualize their dreams. This year’s edition...
Super talented actress, director and producer Yewande Adekoya is set to release another mind blowing blockbuster “Iyawo Adedigba”. The incredibly action packed and suspense filled movie...
Love goes wrong when a man decides to marry for affluence in this startling movie titled ‘Marriage Contract’. Produced and directed by Adeyemi Adegbonmire, ‘Marriage Contract’...
The 2013 Best of Nollywood Awards took place on Thursday 5th December 2013 at the Dome, Asaba, Delta. Awards were presented to creative talents for impeccably...
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