“Mo x Mel,” a film directed by Michael ‘AMA Psalmist’ Akinrogunde and produced by Divine Favour Ibeh for Diane Russet Productions has premiered. The film stars Diane...
Featuring Blossom Chukwujekwu, Teniola Aladese, Chinonso Arubayi, and Adesunmbo Adeoye, author and film producer Laju Iren is bringing her heartfelt romantic novel “Loving Amanda” to the...
“There Is Something Wrong With The Bamideles,” a feature film directed by Michael “AMA Psalmist” Akinrogunde, produced and written by Abdul Tijani-Ahmed, and executive produced by...
Diane Russet has unveiled the trailer for her next film, “There Is Something Wrong With The Bamideles,” directed by Michael “AMA Psalmist” Akinrogunde, produced and written...
The season finale of Laju Iren‘s web series “During Ever After (Full Bloom)” Season 2 is here. The mini-series stars BellaRose Okojie, Olu Salako ‘Boda Wasiu’, Bayo...
Episode 9 of of Laju Iren‘s web series “During Ever After (Full Bloom)” Season 2 is here. The mini-series stars BellaRose Okojie, Olu Salako ‘Boda Wasiu’, Bayo Oloko,...
If you’re yet to see episodes 7 and 8 of Laju Iren‘s web series “During Ever After (Full Bloom)” Season 2, we’ve got you covered. The...
Episode six of “During Ever After (Full Bloom)” is here! The mini-series stars BellaRose Okojie, Olu Salako ‘Boda Wasiu’, Bayo Oloko, Inem King, Olumide Owuru, and a host...
A new episode of “During Ever After (Full Bloom)” tagged ‘Smothers and Old Ghost’ has premiered on Laju Iren‘s YouTube channel. The mini-series stars BellaRose Okojie, Olu...
Episode 4 of “During Ever After (Full Bloom)” is tagged ‘Two Heads’ and you can catch it right here. The mini-series stars BellaRose Okojie, Olu Salako ‘Boda...
We get to keep up with the As, Grace and Setan Rhodes as they fight for their own happily ever after on episode 3 of “During...
Episode two of “During Ever After” is live! The mini-series stars BellaRose Okojie, Olu Salako ‘Boda Wasiu’, Bayo Oloko, Inem King, Olumide Owuru, and a host of...
Laju Iren-produced mini-series “During Ever After” is back with a new season. This new season of “During Ever After” continues the story of Grace and Setan...
Here’s an interesting, insightful and engaging short story by content creators Mariam Bakre, produced alongside Femi Bakre and Tobi Bakre. The film tells the ordeal of...
The last episode of Diane Russet‘s web series “Ricordi” has premiered on YouTube. In this episode, Fejiro finally opens up to Soye about her past while...
Diane Russet has dropped the fifth episode of her web series “Ricordi”. In this episode, Soye and David have a lot to talk about, while Malik throws...
Episode 4 of Diane Russet‘s web series “Ricordi” is here. In this episode, Fejiro recollects her history with Lamar while Soye plans a nice time with...
In episode 2 of Diane Russet‘s web series “Ricordi”, Soye tries to support Fejiro through a difficult day while Malik makes bolder moves. “Ricordi” is directed by Michael...
Yes! Kemi Adetiba‘s highly anticipated movie “King Of Boys 2” is coming and it’s bringing all the heat with it. We’ve seen the first teaser, but...
Episode 2 of Diane Russet‘s web series “Ricordi” is here. In this weeks episode, Fejiro decides to set Lamar straight before leaving the dinner and on...
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