The online movie streaming platform on Friday 29th July hosted the London premiere of its latest movie Alaga at Odeon Cinema in Greenwich. The premiere...
Tunice Entertainment World features three comedic content creators and actors in its latest feature-length film titled Survivor directed by renowned Kayode Peter. Its world premiere will hold...
A Rom-Com drama produced by and starring Chinonso Arubayi, with Jidekene Achufusi, Jimmy Odukoya, IK Ogbonna, and Denrele Edun, titled “I Am Nazzy” is set to...
In this interview, the "13 Letters" cast members—Kunle Remi, Amanda Dara and Ariyiike Owolagba (Ariyiike Dimples )—talk more about their roles and working with each other...
The first season of Nevada Bridge TV‘s web series “Meet My Girlfriends” has come to an end with its 12th episode. Produced by Kayode Peters, the series...
Drama everywhere! The pastor is still causing wahala and Olori isn’t having any of it in episode 11 of Nevada Bridge TV‘s “Meet My Girlfriends” web...
Episode 10 of Kayode Peters‘ web series “Meet My Girlfriends” has premiered and this one is titled ‘Spirituality’. The series follows the adventures of three housemates...
Nevada Bridge TV has a web series “Meet My Girlfriends” produced by Kayode Peters and it’s super hilarious, you should totally binge watch it. The series...
The official trailer for the forthcoming movie “Crazy Grannies” totally has us laughing out loud? This hilarious movie follows the adventures of three grandmas who decide...
The official trailer for Kayode Peters upcoming drama “Excuse My African“, starring Bolanle Ninalowo, Stella Damasus, amongst others has premiered. The film shot in New York...
Guess what guys? A new online consumer service has been launched to help you connect better with your favorite talent. The platform is called PENG and...
Seun Sean Jimoh presents a Flintstone Pictures production titled, “A Tale of Two Brothers”. The film which stars Adeniyi Johnson, Sophie Alakija, Bolanle Ninalowo, Yemi Solade,...
Some of Nigeria’s leading comedians have signed up for the fifth edition of Nigerian entertainment conference. Now in its fifth year, NECLive is the umbrella conference for...
After being announced as the new Cintron ambassador a couple of days ago, Ghollywood actress Juliet Ibrahim was hosted by the brand to a boat cruise...
On the 6th of June, 2015, Lagos witnessed a brand new expression, a bold statement of style and taste reserved for a few. D’USSÉ Cognac was unveiled...
It was a gathering of celebs. On Sunday 30th March 2014, the sixth edition of Nigerian actor/comedian Yaw‘s show “Yaw Live On Stage” at the Eko Hotel & Suites,...
It was all about glitz and glamour in Lagos on Saturday 9th March 2013. The anticipated inaugural edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards took place...
It’s official, top Nigerian comedian/TV Host, Teju Babyface Oyelakin and his fiancée, model/beauty queen Tobi Banjoko are now husband and wife. A month ago, BN caught up with the...
Recently, Nigerian entertainers have been stepping out of their comfort zones and diversifying into other sectors of the economy and on Friday 22nd June 2012, superstar comedian...
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