A Bolanle Austen-Peters-produced film is coming to Netflix! The film titled “Man Of God” follows the story of Samuel Obalolu, the first son of a strict...
Prepare yourselves! The first teaser for Play Network’s “Nneka the Pretty Serpent“, a remake of the 1992 Nollywood classic “Nneka the Pretty Serpent” has arrived. Since...
It’s her birthday all week! Nollywood producer and actress Chika Ike turned 35 on Sunday and the superstar turned all the way up for it. She...
A new Nollywood musical film “Loud” will start showing in the cinemas from November 20th. “Loud” was directed by Umanu Ojochenemi Elijah for Krystal Filmworks. The...
A few days ago, The Academy of Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences, released its list of new members, with 819 invitees, including Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji....
Remember those good old 90s Nollywood movies era that featured some of our favorite actresses with their unique make-up and style that would definitely look funny...
Hello BellaNaijarians! Welcome to the month of February. The #BNMovieFeature is bringing back some good old Nollywood movies that are guaranteed to give you that nostalgic...
Awarding winning actor and producer Chika Ike on Sunday hosted the biggest stars to the premiere of the movie ‘Small Chops’ starring Nse Ikpe-Etim, Sophie Alakija,...
Chika Ike graced the red carpet of the “Small Chops” movie premiere in Lagos. The actress pretty much stole the show at the red carpet, rocking and slaying...
Are you the main meal or SMALL CHOPS?! Out in cinemas nationwide 31st January, Small Chops movie tells a story of love, survival and hustle! Produced...
Remember the blockbuster 1994 Nollywood movie, “Glamour Girls“? If you remember, great. (if not you probably weren’t born then or still in primary school. Lol!) “Glamour...
The much-loved #BNMovieFeature is wrapping up its 2019 run after we kicked things off in 2017 (Yes, we’ve featured over a hundred movies so far!) In...
It’s time to finally admit it to ourselves, much in the way we’ve owned “summer” (as if every day isn’t a rainy day here) and “thanksgiving,”...
Veteran Nollywood actress and evangelist, Eucharia Anunobi has revealed that although she can act any movie role, she can never go nude on set. Speaking during...
At the peak of colonial-era Nigeria, English documentary photographer, Pepper Claude, following a tale of the supernatural, journeys into the heart of Igbo land in search...
Cut24 Productions, the producers of new political thriller, “Code Wilo” have announced that the movie is now open to private screenings nationwide. With the release date...
It was a spectacular valentine evening for the staff of Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) as they were thrilled to a private screening of the new...
It’s been one year since veteran Nollywood actress Eucharia Anunobi lost her son Raymond at the age of 15. The actress held a one-year memorial service and thanksgiving in...
It’s been a year since Nollywood actress Eucharia Anunobi‘s son Raymond passed away and was laid to rest. In remembrance of him, the veteran actress held a...
A couple of months ago BellaNaija Movies & TV brought you the scoop on Omoni Oboli‘s new production, a movie titled “Moms at War” (click here...
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