Over the weekend, the high school series “All Of Us” premiered in a stunning event attended by the cast and special guests. The series explores the lives...
The premiere of the school series “All Of Us,” produced by Enioluwa Adeoluwa, took place yesterday, and it was nothing short of a glamorous affair. The...
“All Of Us,” the high school series co-produced by Enioluwa Adeoluwa and Gbolahan Gaffar, is scheduled for release on August 30th on YouTube. Ahead of its...
The high-school series “All Of Us,” produced by Enioluwa Adeoluwa, is almost ready to hit our screens. Enioluwa shared a teaser of the series showcasing the...
BellaNaija had an exclusive interview with the key cast members of Netflix’s six-part series “Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre.” Uzee Usman, who plays Prince Kuranga –...
The Brightest Talent in Nigeria’s Film Industry in 2024
While we anticipate the release of the upcoming epic series, “Anikulapo: Rise of the Spectre,” which is set to launch in 190 countries globally on Netflix...
In a race against time to avoid a dismal fate, traveller Saro returns to the Oyo Kingdom with orders to complete a nearly impossible task in...
Funke Akindele has made history once again with her latest film, “A Tribe Called Judah.” The movie has earned a whopping sum of 1 billion Naira...
The trailer for the forthcoming drama series, “War: Wrath and Revenge” from EbonyLife Studios is here. This spin-off from the popular “Sons of the Caliphate,” WAR...
Nigerian filmmaker and actress Funke Akindele has released the official trailer for her upcoming movie, “A Tribe Called Judah.” The movie follows the story of a...
The Funke Akindele Network (FAAN) has revealed the premiere date and cast line-up for its upcoming film, “A Tribe Called Judah.” The film is set to...
Funke Akindele is already giving fans a sneak peek behind the scenes of her forthcoming Nollywood title “A Tribe Called Judah.” In a 1-minute video teaser,...
Blue Pictures has released the official trailer for the forthcoming film “Eagles Wings“, an air force story directed and produced by Paul Apel Papel film. The...
The first trailer for the upcoming film “Eagle Wings“, an airforce story directed by Paul Apel Papel has premiered. The trailer features Femi Jacobs, Enyinna Nwigwe,...
Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate, Sir Dee and superstar singer, Teni Entertainer are taking Nollywood by storm as they are both set to make their official...
High Definition Film Studio is set to release its groundbreaking political thriller titled “If I Am President”. Set in the present-day political terrain and discourses in...
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