Nigerian filmmaker and actress Funke Akindele has released the official trailer for her upcoming movie, “A Tribe Called Judah.” The movie follows the story of a...
The Funke Akindele Network (FAAN) has revealed the premiere date and cast line-up for its upcoming film, “A Tribe Called Judah.” The film is set to...
Award-winning Nigerian movie and theatre director Bolanle Austen-Peters has announced that she has begun principal photography for her new film “Wire Wire.” Although she stopped short...
Funke Akindele is already giving fans a sneak peek behind the scenes of her forthcoming Nollywood title “A Tribe Called Judah.” In a 1-minute video teaser,...
The much-awaited premiere of Jade Osiberu x Greoh Studios‘ “Brotherhood” took place on Friday, September 17 at The Jewel Aeida in Lagos, with the hashtag #BrotherhoodTheMovie...
GreoH Studios has released the first trailer for the long-awaited film “Brotherhood.” See the BTS photos and cast posters here. In the crime-action thriller, Falz and Tobi...
GREOH Studios has released character posters for its upcoming film “Brotherhood” and they’re looking so good! The crime-action thriller about twin brothers on opposite sides of...
The second episode of the #BBNaijaShineYaEye reunion show just aired, and you all know, the show comes with gists, drama, confessions and our personal favourite — unmissable...
The #BBNaijaShineYaEye geng are back on our screens and everyone is representing tonight! From the ever-dapper host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu who served in a super stylish KochHouse wine...
Big Brother Naija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ star, Boma spoke with BellaNaija host Chuey Chu on how his friendship with Tega began, and why he’ll stick by...
Being a housemate in the Big Brother Naija house has the effect of propelling people to stardom. With millions of people throughout the continent watching reality...
It’s Big Brother Naija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ season and there’s a major twist this year. First off, there are two opening shows and the first night...
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