Social media is abuzz with anticipation following the release of the captivating trailer for Inkblot Production’s highly anticipated film “When Love Strikes.” The movie, set to...
“Onye Egwu,” a new sports film directed by Uche Jombo, is set to arrive on Amazon Prime Video on July 19th. The film tells the story...
Ebuka Obi-Uchendu and his crew are about to turn up Africa in grand style in “Ebuka Turns Up Africa.” This travel reality series promises unforgettable nights...
The Brightest Talent in Nigeria’s Film Industry in 2024
Prime Video has today announced an upcoming African Original travel reality series featuring Nigerian media personality Ebuka Obi-Uchendu. The series, titled “Ebuka Turns Up Africa” will...
Welcome to the world of Crafts Methods, one of the leading FMCG Companies in Nigeria. Craft Methods will be unveiling its latest creation; a premium alcoholic...
If you haven’t yet watched “Shanty Town,” here’s a good opportunity to meet the cast of the new Netflix film that everyone has been talking about....
The stars of Netflix’s Nigerian crime thriller, Shanty Town, stepped out for the global premiere of the highly anticipated series. Created by the duo of Xavier...
Netflix has shared the official trailer of its Nigerian crime thriller “Shanty Town” coming exclusively to the platform. Created by the duo of Xavier Ighorodje and Chichi...
GreoH Studios has released the first trailer for the long-awaited film “Brotherhood.” See the BTS photos and cast posters here. In the crime-action thriller, Falz and Tobi...
The 2022 edition of the annual comedy show AY Live took place on Easter Sunday, April 17 and it was star-studded as several celebrities and socialites stepped...
Flavour delivers “Levels,” a new track produced by Masterkraft and mixed and mastered by Mixx Monsta. The official music video features some of your favourite Nollywood actors...
Funke Akindele-Bello and JJC Skillz‘ 2020 comedic film “Omo Ghetto: The Saga” is headed to Netflix after smashing a four-year Nollywood record in January, barely a...
Toka Mcbaror‘s highly andticipated movie “Bitter Rain” will be available in cinemas across Nigeria from the 13th of August and the official trailer is just in...
The weekend is here BNers! It’s been an emotional rollercoaster. From D’Tigers’ big win and the passing of music star Sound Sultan to award nominations, magazine...
Nollywood star, Zubby Michael recently spoke with Broadway TV about his relationship status, his interest in politics, and which actor he believes is bigger than him....
The sky is cloudy with movie magic and “Bitter Rain” is getting set to ‘Reign’ in cinemas across Nigeria soon. But before then, here’s the official...
Themed ‘Mystic Black’, the official premiere for Bovi Ugboma‘s film “My Village People” took place on Sunday and it was all shades of fun. “My Village...
The official trailer for Bovi Ugboma‘s forthcoming film “My Village People” is finally here. “My Village People” is a dark comedy that tells relatable African folklore....
The second teaser for Bovi‘s highly anticipated upcoming feature film “My Village People” has dropped ahead of its June 11, 2021, cinema release. “My Village People”...
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