Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Maymunah Yusuf Kadiri, popularly called the celebrity shrink, is set to lead one of the highly anticipated 2nd Annual Mental Health Conference. Held...
In a collaboration that has fans excited, Ace Comedian Basketmouth and talented TV Host MizVick are set to release their first feature film, “A Ghetto Love...
Dianne Russet makes an impressive debut as a producer with her first feature film, “Love Notes.” This romantic drama stars Beverly Osu, Uzoamaka Aniunoh, Kunle Remi,...
Diane Russet is set to make her solo producing debut with the upcoming film, “Love Notes.” Starring an impressive cast including Iretiola Doyle, Beverly Osu, Najite...
Can you recall how Ehi and Peju looked so scruffy in “Òlòtūré: The Journey” that made you wonder if a comb was non-existent in their part...
Five years after the searing exposé of human trafficking in EbonyLife’s “Òlòtūré,” the story takes a new turn in the upcoming Netflix sequel “Òlòtūré: The Journey,”...
This June, Netflix dives headfirst into drama, romance, comedy, and action with a stellar lineup of titles coming to your screens. Premiering on June 28, “Òlòtūré:...
Written by Infinix
Comedian Basketmouth, known by his stage name Bright Okpocha, is stepping behind the camera for his first feature film, “A Ghetto Love Story,” scheduled for release...
The inaugural Skin Brunch held at So Social House in Lagos, Nigeria on March 17th, 2024, was a significant occasion. It celebrated exceptional women in entertainment...
International Women’s Month is a time to celebrate and recognize women’s achievements, resilience, and contributions across Nigeria and Africa, particularly those who have been lending their...
Port Harcourt recently witnessed the epitome of fashion excellence at the Nook International Fashion Weekend 2024. It was three unforgettable days, the event showcased emerging and...
Nollywood actress Lilian Afegbai has released a new comedy series titled “Akanchawa Baddie” on Lilian Afegbai TV. The series will feature the different escapades of the...
We are on the third day of Kunle Remi and his bride Tiwi’s wedding ceremony in Ibadan, and the celebration has been a beautiful display of...
The much-anticipated movie adaptation of Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani‘s bestselling novel, “I Do Not Come To You By Chance,” premiered at the Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF)...
For her birthday this year, gorgeous Nigerian actor, entrepreneur and mental health advocate — Beverly Osu debuted 3 stunning portraits of her captivating melanated figure all...
On this episode of “Tea With Tay”, Temisan sits with actress, model, and video vixen and Big Brother Africa housemate Beverly Osu. Beverly talks about her...
The highly anticipated film adaptation of Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani’s acclaimed debut novel, ‘I Do Not Come To You By Chance,’ made its debut at the 2023...
Ishaya Bako, the director of “The Royal Hibiscus Hotel” and “Road To Yesterday,” will direct the film adaptation of Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani‘s award-winning 2009 novel “I...
Every day we spend here is an opportunity for us to show the ones we love how much we love them. Every day is a new...
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