Bolanle Austen-Peters‘ historical biopic, “House of Ga’a,” is gearing up for its Netflix premiere on July 26th. Set in the 18th century, the biopic explores the...
“House of Ga’a,” the biopic directed by Bolanle Austen–Peters is set to premiere on Netflix on the 26th of this month, July. This gripping story follows...
This July, get ready to be transported to 18th-century Nigeria as Bolanle Austen–Peters’ directed biopic “House of Ga’a” premieres on Netflix on the 26th. “House of...
The tenth AMVCAs may have ended, but one element continues to hold our attention – the red carpet looks that stole the show! As always, Nigerian...
Over the weekend, the movie premiere for “Beast of Two Worlds (Ajanaku),” a film produced by Eniola Ajao in collaboration with Anthill Studios, was a grand display...
International Women’s Month is a time to celebrate and recognize women’s achievements, resilience, and contributions across Nigeria and Africa, particularly those who have been lending their...
The Brightest Talent in Nigeria’s Film Industry in 2024
The premiere of Funke Akindele‘s highly anticipated mini-series, “She Must Be Obeyed,” was a star-studded affair. The red carpet was graced by Nollywood stars, music stars,...
Kunle Afolayan has shared the poster for his upcoming film, “Ijogbon.” According to the director, “Ijogbon” is “a coming-of-age film about four teenagers (OBY, JAMIU, RANTI,...
Fresh from the success of Femi Adebayo‘s Yoruba epic “Jagun Jagun“ and the star-studded event “Lights, Camera… Naija!” in Lagos, Netflix presents a diverse range of...
Netflix has shared the trailer for Femi Adebayo’s Yoruba epic titled “Jagun Jagun.” “Jagun Jagun” follows the story of “a bloodthirsty warlord who feels threatened by...
Odunlade Adekola has unveiled the first look teaser for his forthcoming epic, “Orisa.” Featuring a talented cast including Odunlade Adekola, Femi Adebayo, Shaffy Bello, Jide Kosoko,...
On Thursday, April 27th, 2023, stars from Nigeria’s film industry gathered for the media screening of the highly anticipated comedy-drama thriller, Hotel Lambaba, which was held...
Lady Laide Films and Shutter Speed Projects have just released the official trailer for the upcoming comedy-drama thriller “Hotel Labamba,” and it’s already creating buzz for...
Journey to the World of Prime Video and see where it takes you
“The Set Up 2”, Inkblot Productions’ highly-anticipated action thriller, premiered in Lagos on Sunday night, bringing out an elite group of stars to celebrate the sequel...
Phenomenal actor and content creator, Samuel Animashaun joined the list of winners at the just concluded 8th edition of Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards (AMVCA). The...
Nollywood veteran Adebayo Salami‘s 70th birthday celebration is already one for the books. The star, who turned 70 recently, got quite a surprise from his children....
The much-anticipated Yoruba epic drama “King of Thieves (Ogundabede)” premiered on Sunday, April 4th, and it was a star-studded affair, with celebrities dressed in line with...
Directed by Adeniyi Joseph Omobulejo, often known as TAJ, and executive produced by Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, “Ololade” is a new Yoruba series that tells the story of...
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